
Nottingham 1, Leicester 0. Ian has moved to pastures new. Damn you Nottingham. Some mook called Rob has moved into to Ian's old flat. He's nowhere near as cool as Ian Humes even though he totally wants to be. Loser.


Ian no longer drives a red van. He now drives a nerdy white vw. It's not as cool as the van. He is getting less cool.


IAN FACT: Ian is no longer a vegetarian.

Ian Fact!

IAN FACT: Ian's star sign is scorpio.

Venn Ian

Ian in Math Form

I stayed up last night figuring out a mathematic equation to explain Ian Humes.

IH = (P-PI)/(CI)*(P-PH)-(CH)

P = People in the world
PI = People called Ian
CI = Cool people called Ian
PH = People called Humes
CH = Cool people called Humes

Ian is the music man

I managed to sneak into grab this sweet photo of Ian's music setup. I know what you're thinking: "Cigarettes and vitamin pills! NEXT TO A COMPUTER! Whoa slowdown Ginsberg. Your twisting my melon". Yet somehow Ian's managed to throw it together in a way that doesn't just work, it screams "Arbeit macht frei!!!"